03 October 2008

long time, no 'see.' :)

it's friday. you're thinking: "what happened to tuesday?" :) tuesday was full of Bible school planning with the youth; this week as a whole has been crazy busy! it has been fantastic though. i wrote great updates for this week, and then left my laptop at my house. whoops. oh well, right? you'll get two weeks worth of updates on tuesday. i'll post pictures and stuff, too. it'll just be fabulous. :) until then, continue praying for our ministry and for us.

especially remember Nastya, my ten year old Belarussian sister, in your prayers over the next few days. she is in the hospital in Belarus with what they think is pneumonia. we don't know much else, just that we are worried. We love her so much. set aside a time daily to remember her until we hear something else. thank you so much.

i hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and i'll write more tuesday. i love emails and cards and basically anything from you guys, and if you write me i will write back! :)
alrighty, cheerio!

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